
Davindar Singh and Nefarious Indian Designs

Aurangzeb Alamgir

Recently, Indian spying network has arrested a police officer DSP Davinder Singh in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. DSP Davinder Singh was caught on 12th Jan 2020 along with two militants. DSP Singh had raised steadily through the ranks of the IOK police and it is important to mention that the arrested DSP was awarded the President’s Medal for his role in anti-terror operations.


Now he has been accused of helping the Kashmiri freedom fighters in IOK. Earlier he was accused of forcing a man to help Kashmiri militants travel to New Delhi in a deadly attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001. Indian security forces made best use of him against Kashmiris and Pakistan and now arrested him to hide what India has been doing against Pakistan.


 The arrest of Davinder Singh is the classic case study of Indian false flag operations. Before proceeding further it is important to understand the concept of false flag. The term, false flag means a covert operation intended to deceive the rival party. In false flag operation, the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity while disguising the actual source. Indeed, it is a misrepresentation through covert political or military operation, carried out to blame the opponent.


India has planned and executed dozens of major false flag security and military operations in its own territory or in India-occupied Jammu and a Kashmir for ultimately blaming Pakistan. These Indian false flag operations created lot of misperceptions against Pakistan and India presented itself as a victim, thus gaining international sympathy. While taking advantage of the 9/11 incident, Indian spying network planned and executed the infamous Parliament attack in December 2001 and mobilized its armed forces to attack Pakistan. Later in 2008, Indian spying agencies executed another major false flag operation Mumbai attack-2008, killing over 160 people which also included the global presence. After this false flag operation, India tried to attack Pakistan, which was deterred by PAF. Subsequent Indian false flag operations include; Uri attack, Pathankot attack and finally the Pulwama attack in February 2019.


The nefarious designs of India are being exposed. The political face of Saffron terrorists BJP has adopted a strange strategy in Kashmir by deliberately escalating tension at the LoC in order to divert attention from the deteriorating situation in IOJ&K. 


India is trying to make fool of its own people and the international community. It is now evident that the Modi government has begun a trend of making exaggerated claims of conducting preventive strikes across its borders.


A pertinent example was its claim to have destroyed the Naga rebel camps in an ambush inside Myanmar in 2015. That so-called surgical strike provoked huge criticism in India after some reports revealed that there were no rebels camps in that area. Basically the notion of surgical strike linked to alleged terrorists bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by Indian to create false effects.


This quest by the Indian establishment to create media hype by rebranding cross-border fire as a surgical strike is fabrication of the truth. Pakistan has made it clear time and again that if there is a surgical strike on Pakistani soil, the same will be strongly responded.


It is pertinent to highlight that despite all false flag operations Indians claimed so far has added to ambiguity and number of unanswered simple questions.


Now the voices within India and international forums are rejecting Indian rhetoric claims of foreign involvement rather argument of state sponsored terrorism against India is gaining strength and mass. Now it is clear that that whether it is Mumbai attacks, Uri or Balakot incidents the element of state sponsored terrorism can’t be ignored.


On the other hand, today Pakistan stands at a higher pedestal with a strategically dominating position in and around South Asia. Pakistan always demand a peaceful resolution of all disputes including the Kashmir dispute as per UN resolutions.


All that Indian Government and its spying machinery aimed through above-mentioned false flag operations is to defame Pakistan and its iron-fist armed forces. Pakistan has already informed UN and major powers against what India has been doing and planning to divert attention from its domestic unrest and chaotic situation. The world must realize that, the rise of terrorist mind-set, currently ruling India, is a global threat which must be stopped sooner than later.

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