

By Atta Rasool Malik

Prime Minister of the world’s biggest democracy lost his credibility just after two short speeches of a so-called inexperienced and puppet leader of a terror-ridden neighbour state. PM Imran Khan literally has twisted the arm of shining India to her back by putting the world’s 3rd largest military on the mat so quickly through his overstretched and long committed army.


Indian crashed Mig 21 with captured pilot Abhi Nandan proved to be the coffin of Indo-Israel joint strategy to screen old Palestinian drama over Kashmir Theater. In fact, Modi and Netanyahu are two persons of the same creed.  They by nature are bloodthirsty of Muslims because Indian Hindus and Jews can never forget the victory of Makkah and Khyber.


The Pakistani new mantra of #THE TEA IS FANTASTIC will never let these both anti-Islam individuals to rest in peace. While media debates are still on, the Indian Army chief is gone missing. At least he has not been heard after this flat slap on the face in broad daylight. I think his current position could be termed as meeting at crossroads in one’s superb military career. It is not to appreciate, but Qamar Javed Bajwa’s simple doctrine (may be called as a #countryman’s doctrine of unity and consistency) has gradually failed Indian strategy/construct to divide and annihilate Pakistan.


The arrest of Kalbhushan was the debacle of RAW’s covert game, and now flawed surgical strike is the failure of Indian military capability and capacity. Their all efforts made to poison the public against #PakArmy have gone waste just in one mild smoky blow over the Line of Control in Kashmir.


BJP government in India is like been diagnosed piles and the world is trying to avoid this bleeding patient in pity. Now surgical option is left its treatment, which Imran Khan has refused to commit to it for the time being.


Any further unthoughtful escalation of this situation by India will add more insult to injury for BJP in particular and India as a whole. Whatever strike options discussed by retired Indian generals over their media amply reflect on their professional acumen. India is lucky to have all of them retired already; otherwise, it could have lost Silicon Valley, with thanks to these military idiots and some of the media anchors.


Indian artists are in a challenging situation right now because they believe that war is not a solution but can’t express their inner self to the media and goon public. Their old military jingoism movie clips travelling on social media are adding salt to their self-image. Their confused Twitter statement and statues reflect the same.


Christians, Dalits, Sikhs, Tamils and Kashmiri Muslims are happy on Pak victory. Rest of the Muslims in India are following the Indian electronic media line to save their skin from Hindu radicals hovering over their heads, welcome to divided India today.


Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky who says, “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”  When it comes to war, however far from it we may seem to be, we’re all in. Some pay a high price, many pay a little and few gain a lot.  Keep an eye on those few, and you’ll end up with a keener appreciation of what war is actually all about.


What is it about current Pak-India standoff, the escalation which may turn into a bloody Indo Pak War-2019? Who is the beneficiary and likely to gain substantially from Pak India escalation? The answer is simple. It is about BJP leader Narendra Modi desperate strategy to win the national election in India. BJP wants ‘blood’ to win 30 more seats in the Indian Parliament. Actually, through hate, fear and blood it has reached to the power corridor.


American Professor and war studies expert Miguel Angel Centeno says every international situation represents a choice between conflict and cooperation, in other words, peace and war. Therefore, every practical decision of politician is a choice between peace and war and better leaders chose peace and development. For the past at least two decades, surely enough, Pakistani nation and its leadership both political and military preferred and opted for peace. Indian always obscured Pakistan’s desire for peace. Actually, the bigness of India also proved to be a curse for Pakistan. At few occasion, even Pakistan’ allies and friends could not support the obvious for fear of losing exports to Indian huge consumer market.


As per the dominant theory of international relations; international politics is driven by human nature which is not good. People always try to maximise their benefits at the expense of other people. And this consequently makes the conflict the normal state in society and a normal state of relationships between the countries. Hence, it is not difficult to understand that BJP led Indian government is using war as a supplement to its election campaigns. To them, horrors of war and related suffering to ordinary people are not an issue.


Professor, Dr. Jean Rickli, King’s College London says propaganda or so-called psy-ops is not a new phenomenon in warfare to shape opinions and influence outcomes but today Warfare in the information domain has become an integral part of modern military operations. The ease through which Indian media in conjunction with diplomacy and hefty defence deals put Pakistan political and military leaders in an awkward situation is stunning. Pakistan is a victim of terrorism but portrayed a terror-sponsoring state.


Today importance of narratives and shaping perceptions has become very important. It means narratives can be manipulated, countered, magnified or downplayed by a dedicated use of media strategy which only requires the capabilities of a few individuals and very soon of a few well programmed Chatbots.


The, strangely enough, Indian recently attempted to attack Pakistan for an alleged sponsored blast in Kashmir. The explosion which killed 44 Indian paramilitary personals was carried out by a freedom-seeking angry young man in Kashmir, a disputed territory under UN resolutions.  Through Indian narrative, even our friends and allies forgot how severely Pakistan has bled while fighting Indian proxies. Over 70,000 Pakistani innocent people including 5000 law enforcement personnel have been killed since 2007 in the war against terrorism.


It is time to demonstrate to India and Israel the resolve of the Pakistani nation.

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